- *1990
- studied jazz drums and composition in Dresden and Leipzig
- jazz contest award „Jugend Jazzt“ in 2007
- several solo awards
- „Neuer Münchner Jazzpreis“ awarded in 2014
- Goethe Institut Villa Kamogawa/JPN scholarship award in 2016
- „Jazzpreis Marion Ermer Stiftung Leipzig“ award in 2017
- Prize Winner B´Jazz Adward Burghausen
- toured in: India, USA, Poland; Latvia, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Japan, Kenya, Norway, UK, Romania
- worked with and learned from: Werner Neumann, Heinrich Köbberling, Rudi Mahall, Nora Gomringer, Pablo Held, Hayden Chisholm, Jürgen Friedrich, Uli Kempendorff, Yves Theiler, Johannes Enders, Chris Pitsiokos, Claudio Puntin
- New Project : www.my-gravity.info
06.02.2023 7:30 pm
HMT Ensemble @ Westflügel Leipzig
10.02.2023 8 pm
Antonia Hausmanns Teleidoscope @ Kulturbahnhof Kalchreuth
11.02.2023 8 pm
Anamorphosis @ Alte Kaffeerösterei Plauen
12.02.2023 5 pm
Anamorphosis @ Saxstall Pohrsdorf
13.02.2023 8:30 pm
Reihe 2 feat. Marietheres Schneider @ Subbotnik Leipzig
15.02.2023 7 pm
Dorn/Müller/Scholz @ Café Ino Leipzig
17.02.2023 8:30 pm
GLOTZE @ Subbotnik Leipzig
(Double Bill “Kid The Moon”)
02.03.2023 7:30 pm
Gomringer+Scholz “Peng!Peng!Parker!” @ Literaturhaus Salzburg
03.03.2023 8 pm
Artem Sargsyan Quartett @ Theaterhaus Schille Leipzig
18.03.2023 8 pm
Artem Sargsyan Quartett @ tba Blankenburg
20.03.2023 10 am
Ensemble Ambidexter @ Hospizverein Leipzig
21.03.2023 09 am + 11 am
Spielvereingung Sued @ Gewandhaus Leipzig
22.03.2023 09 am + 11 am
Spielvereingung Sued @ Gewandhaus Leipzig
31.03.2023 8 pm
Antonia Hausmanns Teleidoscope @ Petruskirche Lichterfelde
03.04.2023 8 pm
Reihe 2 feat. Johanna Summer/Anna Tsombanis @ naTo Leipzig
04.04.2023 8 pm
Anna Tsombanis 4tet @ Blue Note Dresden
13.04.2023 8 pm
Anamorphosis @ Weltecho Chemnitz
14.04.2023 8 pm
Anamorphosis @ tba Halle/Saale
15.04.2023 8 pm
Anamorphosis @ naTo Leipzig
04.05.2023 8 pm
Antonia Hausmanns Teleidoscope @ Tangobrücke Einbeck
11.05.2023 8 pm
Anamorphosis @ Kukulida Dresden
12.05.2023 8 pm
Anamorphosis @ Haeselburg Gera
13.05.2023 8 pm
Anamorphosis @ Loft Köln
14.05.2023 3:30 pm
Anamorphosis @ Industriesalon Schöneweide
18.05.2023 8 pm
Ornette 3.0 @Subbotnik Leipzig
26.05.2023 8 pm
Gomringer+Scholz @ Literaturhaus Innsbruck/AUT
29.05.2023 7:30 pm
Mondayboxxx Jazz Orchestra @ Westflügel Leipzig
01.06.2023 7:30 pm
Feet Become Ears @ naTo Leipzig